Elbow joint is one of the joints that the skin cover is the weakest. The skin and muscle cover on the joint are thin, making it susceptible to traumas. The elbow joint is responsible for the movements of the forearm, and is a rather important joint determining the position of the hand as regards the body. This joint positioned at the junction of the bones making the arm, and includes many muscles and tendons. Elbow pain, which occurs in this joint, can prevent the simplest daily living activities and lower the quality of life. In general, it can prevent the gripping ad lifting objects and shows itself as pain in the lateral side of the elbow.

Causes of elbow pain:

  • Tendon inflammation and bursitis
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Cervical hernia
  • Nerve compression
  • Arthrosis
  • Inflammatory rheumatic diseases
  • Elbow displacements or fracture resulting from traumas such as falling or crashing

A specialist will order the required tests and determine the therapy method for the treatment of elbow pain. In general, therapeutic methods administered without surgical intervention will be successful in most of the patients.