The neck is structured so as to carry the weight of the head and to allow turning the head to any direction. Neck pain can be seen in many diverse areas in the neck in many diverse forms in relation with many diverse causes. While some of these are related to postural disturbances including working with computers or passing too much time at the phone, some others can develop after underlying medical disorders. Sleeping can become more difficult if the neck pain gets worse. In addition, activities of the daily life such as dressing, going to work or driving can become more difficult. Increase in neck pain together with weakness, numbness or tingling sensation can be sign of a serious underlying problem; therefore, a doctor must be applied to immediately.

Types of pain that can potentially occur in neck are as follows:

  • Stiff neck: Pain and difficulty particularly when turning the head from one side to the other or moving the neck.
  • Sharp pain: This sign can be felt as localized in one single point. This type of pain is mostly seen in the lower parts of the neck.
  • General pain: Pain is mostly localized in one place or area of the neck. This is defined as a non-sharp, continuous and mild pain.
  • Reflecting pain: Pain can reflect to shoulders and arms throughout the trace of the nerves. Intensity can change, or it can be felt as burning sensation.
  • Tingling sensation, numbness or weakness: These sensations can go beyond the neck and reflect to shoulders, arms and fingers. This pain is defined as tingling sensation. Typically, it is felt in one arm.
  • Headache: Sometimes, tension in the neck can affect muscles and nerves connected to the cranium. In such cases, the pain can be tension type headache or occipital neuralgia.

Causes of neck pain can be listed as follows:

  • Muscular tension: Excessive use of computer or phone will generally trigger muscular strain. Even minor things, such as reading in bed or gritting your teeth can challenge neck muscles.
  • Wear of joints and cartilage: Like other joints of the body, neck joints also have a tendency of wearing with ageing.
  • Nerve compression: Disks herniated from cervical vertebras or bone spurs can compress the nerves originating from the spinal cord.
  • Injuries: Taking the blow from the rear in car accidents result in a condition called whiplash. In this incident, head moves backwards and then forwards rapidly, and soft tissue injury happens.

Ways to Avoid Neck Pain

In particular, to avoid movements straining the neck and working for long periods in positions with the head bowed low can prevent neck pain. Since protecting the neck in the daily living activities, strengthening the muscles around the cervical spine is the most correct method. Regular neck exercises will strengthen the neck muscles and will prevent small traumas reflecting to the cervical spine.