Ozone therapy is frequently preferred as a supplementary treatment in many diseases. During the ozone therapy, since the oxygen amount solved within the plasma increases thanks to the oxygen ratio increased up to hundred percent under high pressure, oxygen delivered to surrounding tissues will also increase. This way, treatment of many diseases with vascular diseases in the first place will become possible.

Some diseases that ozone therapy is used for are listed below:

  • Circulation Disorders: The diseases that ozone treatment is used most commonly are the circulation disorders. In particular, the disturbing problems including numbness, tingling sensation, feeling cold and pain seen in diabetic patients originates from circulation problems caused by the disease. It is possible to prevent these effects arising from circulation problems to a great extent with hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
  • Cancer: One of the methods preferred as supplementary treatment in cancer is the ozone therapy. Oxygen therapy that supports the production of cells that increase the activity of the immune system and fight with cancer contributes positively to the overall resistance of the body, and helps the cancer treatment. At the same time, it plays an important role in mitigating the adverse effect of chemotherapy because it provides vitality.
  • Eye disorders: Damages occur in the optic nerves and retina as a result of deterioration in the vascular structure in relation with aging in particular, this in turn gives rise to eye disorders. The ozone treatment applied in such cases will help the prevention of circulation flaws. Although studies on the issue whether or not treatment ensures regression of the disease have been proven insufficient, scientific studies support that it significantly prevents the advancement of eye disorders.
  • Bacterial and fungal diseases: Ozone has been used in water treatment for a long time as it inhibits fungal and bacterial growth, and is also successfully used in the treatment of diseases caused by them. It can be possible to prevent persisting fungal infections especially in the foot area.

Apart from the diseases given above, ozone treatment is used as an adjuvant therapy in the treatment of many diseases including rheumatism, arthritis, bedsores, intestinal infections including colitis and proctitis, caisson disease, diseases caused by Herpes simplex and Herpes zoster and liver inflammations. Furthermore, it is possible to make use of ozone in some antiaging therapies.

Benefits of Ozone Therapy

  • Cleaner, softer and rejuvenated skin,
  • Acceleration of blood circulation for cells and tissues,
  • Strengthening of the immune system, and increasing the resistance against infectious diseases,
  • Renewing blood vessels (arteries and veins), ensures improvement of blood pressure,
  • Cleans the blood vessels and lymph system,
  • Ensures that the skin works like a third kidney or a second respiratory system,
  • Removes the toxins accumulated in muscles and relaxes and softens muscles, and increase their flexibility,
  • Improves joint pains and muscular disorders,
  • Normalizes the hormone and enzyme production,
  • Strengthens the brain functions and memory,
  • Relieves depression and distress,
  • Oxides adrenaline known as the stress hormone and provides a general calmness, and helps to remove the stress originating from depression.

In conclusion, ozone therapy is an innovative therapy that increases the success ratio of the treatment of many diseases, is applied by doctors who are experts in their areas, with rather limited adverse effects, and that can be used safely in all the age groups.