Food sensitivity originates from the irritation of the gastrointestinal system by a substance found in the food, or from the inability of the individual to absorb or digest the food properly.

The following can be seen in food sensitivity:

  • Reactions are generally delayed/deferred and appearance of signs can take a few days,
  • Individuals can complain about multiple symptoms from migraine to flatulence, diarrhea, lethargy, and some kind of “not feeling well”.
  • Increased IgG antibodies can be found in blood.
  • Sensitivity against multiple foodstuff simultaneously is possible.

Sensitivity against certain foodstuff can be related to multiple reasons including ways of production/storage of foodstuff, monotonous eating habits, stress, environmental factors, alcohol, and toxic substances taken in one way or other.

Food sensitivity can lead to many diseases, including mainly obesity, migraine, acne formation, swellings in the body, chronic fatigue, constipation, some skin disorders (e.g., eczema), chronic iron deficiency, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, asthma, depression.

It is possible to determine sensitivity with IgG tests specific for foodstuffs. After this, complaints and symptoms will diminish with the elimination and later rotation diet recommended by a dietician based on result reports unique for the patient; even noticeable changes can be seen in the existing discomfort.